DRIED - Original. For Sale in my Shop!

DRIED - Original. For Sale in my Shop!

Or something like that.

We are barreling toward 2021, my friends. These precious couch days before January are for resting. And resting is for overthinking. So, let’s overthink together.

We defined success differently in 2020. For many businesses and individuals, success was survival this year. And for many - it meant a huge holiday season thanks to the shift toward investing in our local small businesses (thank-you, customers - we love you!)

As we rest, relax, and if you’re like me, close the doors to the studio for an extended period of time, it is natural to reflect on 2020 & plan for 2021. As you know if you’ve followed along with me for a while, I believe that relationships along with product are the key element to good business. So, let’s chat relationships!

DRIED - Original. For Sale in my Shop!

DRIED - Original. For Sale in my Shop!

I’m going to be pointed here - I want to work with the following this year:

  • Framing Company - I’d love to forge a long-term relationship with a local framing company.

  • Florist/Greenhouse - a Florist, greenhouse, or plant seller is top of my list of businesses to collaborate with this year through Creative Consulting. Curating a branding package, logo, or other marketing materials.

  • Potter or Ceramist - I would like to work with a local potter to bring my designs to the product realm in a way that feels authentic, and functional, to me.

  • Creatives interested in commercial clientele

My intent behind these collaborations is the following:

  • Framing Company - Presenting my Originals series as a complete product for shows & clients, particularly commercial clients. Providing framing options for my print clients.

  • Florist/Greenhouse - As I develop my style and focus deeply on advancing my skills in my particular specialty, I want to work with a business centered around it - plants! Collaborating with commercial clients is a big goal for 2021.

  • Potter or Ceramist - I want to enter the product realm with my designs & art. I want to focus on functional home products that are enduring, thoughtfully created, and can be collected.

  • Creatives - I intend to build on to my Creative Consulting platform to widen the range of products LDC can offer to small business clientele. If you are interested in becoming part of the team offering services, please contact me directly!

LDC will be releasing our Creative Consulting services in 2021 & we are so looking forward to working with our small business friends to enhance the visuals & design behind their product & service delivery.

Who do you want to collaborate with, and what is your intent with this collaboration? Maybe you’re here because that’s me - let’s connect & create!


Survivor Series


You can’t make friends in business