5 am Studio Time

5 am Studio Time

Do what you love, and you’ll never be alone again.

Nothing could have prepared me for doing something I love. Yes, I’ve had many loves in my life; ice hockey, winter, dark chocolate - but none of them have prepared me for this.

I guess introductions are in order - I’m Court. Owner, Visual Artist, frantic business operator and occassional crier. Nice to, kind of, meet you, and welcome to my space.

So, let’s talk business. Lonely Door Creatives was born out of an inspiration fever when, get this, I had too much time on my hands. I’m not sure what was going on then, but it may have something to do with this venture, that I haven’t experienced that feeling since.

We will tell the story of Lonely Door Creatives soon. For now, I want to talk about doing what you love. I am a notorious lover of things - I am the jump out of bed on a Sunday morning with 17 plans and no map kind of person, to the dismay of my partner, I’m sure. I love action, adventure, celebration, food, events, and being busy. And the love I have for this business outweighs it all.

Fern, B&W, Print

Fern, B&W, Print

Things I didn’t expect when I started this venture:

  • Losing THIS much sleep. Not because I have too much work to do, although also that, but because I am excited in a way I haven’t been, maybe ever. Excited about new ideas, new potential, new relationships and friendships and community. And at the heart of it - new art.

  • Forging Community. An introverted fear of strangers, won’t pick up the phone in a personal setting type, I am what is referred to as an expressive introvert. Professionally, you would never know - and that has transferred to this business. I’ve taken chances, forged relationships, and become involved in my community in a way that was wholly unexpected, for someone who spent five years in this city mostly alone.

  • Improvement. The art - at the heart of all of this, is my longest-standing skill, aside from possibly my comedic gift (right, mom?). A skill I trained for my entire life, a skill I did not anticipate would ever be used in a business setting. A skill I took a leap of faith on, and have committed to since. The commitment has paid off, in the work, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to continue developing it.

  • Loving it.

That last one - that’s the big one. The passion, committment, excitement, anticipation, drive that I experience about my business is an unparrelleled passion. And when I say I’m passionate… it’s an understatement.

I didn’t expect to love it - not this much. Not so much that I am sitting here in my studio at 5:00 am, because I had an idea and can’t get back to sleep. Not so much that not a second has been wasted this year, and not once have I resented it yet. Not so much that it would change the way I see, me.

Giving, connecting, and maintaining sustainable relationships with my community is my greatest sense of purpose, and I have found the vehicle to do just that. Do what you love - and you’ll never be alone again. Owning your heart business is relational - an exchange of your resources, to build an entity infused with you, but that exists outside of you, too.

Have you found what you love yet? I can’t wait to hear about it.


You can’t make friends in business